
Friday, June 29, 2012

Apostles and Accomplishments

Dearest Family and Friends-
What a crazy, incredible, and busy week here at the MTC! I have less than 2 weeks now, leaving to Houston on July 11th (but I'm not counting down). I should get my itinerary later today and I'll give you details in my letter next week. Speaking of which, next week my preparation day will be on Saturday instead of Friday because I will have In-Field Training on Friday!!!!!  I know that I'm allowed to call the family from the airport, but once I know when my flight leaves, I'll know when I get to call : ) Camber- Happy Birthday dear!!!! Happy 18th Birthday! I sent a card this week which I hope you get in time, but if it's late- know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you the happiest of days! Jason- quick fun fact. In Mormon 2:16-17, it is talking about the land of Jeshon, but in the Spanish scriptures it is translated "Jason"! It made me smile when I found it : ) I'm almost finished with the Book of Mormon for Cortney, so Cody- I want to do you next. Is that okay? I thought it might be nice to have for you before starting high school. If someone else needs it first, let me know <3 div="div">
This week has been really different in some ways with 101new  mission presidents and their wives here for training. Lines were longer for food since we were confined to only 1/3 of the cafeteria and several buildings were closed off, thereby changing our schedules and rooms we could use. But the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve were here all week doing training for the mission presidents. I saw several of them in the halls and then....wait for our devotional on Tuesday night we were pretty sure it was going to be an apostle and....they started to file apostles were in attendance at our devotional on Tuesday night. No matter what would've been said, it was a beautiful experience to feel of their spirits and of their love for us. Neil A Anderson, Quentin L Cook, David A Bednar, D. Todd Christofferson, M. Russell Ballard, Richard G. Scott, Jeffrey R Holland, Russell M Nelson, Dallin H Oaks, and L.Tom Perry who was our speaker!!! The entire presidency of the Seventy was in attendance as well as other general authorities scattered throughout the audience, Sister Dalton, Elder Malm, and others. It was a confirming experience for me as I could say that I know they are apostles of our Savior and Heavenly Father, and I do not know any better now than I knew before because I sat 20 feet from them. Similarly, I do not need to meet the Prophet to know he is the prophet of God on the earth. I think we were all surprised at the talk Elder Perry (being the senior apostles in attendance with Elder Packer ill) gave- it was not like a conference talk, or advice to missionaries, or even a talk over the Spirit or searching the scriptures. It was almost a presentation, with a slide show, of a new proselyting campaign- "Mormons Next Door" that is being launched in several trial missions and online. Using independent studies on the lifestyle of Mormons, it has numbers and statistics of measurable blessings to the LDS lifestyle in 9 areas- Health, Happiness, Family, Education, Social Engagement, Mission Experience, Volunteering, Charitable Giving, and Humanitarian Aid. I will include more specifics of all that in written letters, but I'm excited to see how it is implemented and to how it will be used to find prospective investigators. At the very end it said a few sentences in his testimony that I felt were very instructive. " We know we are saved by grace, but our destiny is determined by our obedience in all we can do."- What a wonderful way to explain our beliefs over grace and faith combined with works! Then he said, " The doctrines will never change, they are eternal and perfect." And I finished the thought in my mind- but people have to change to strive for the standard which is expected of us with the perfect doctrines we know. I feel so blessed to have heard words from an Apostle of the Lord and to have been blessed to be here at their specific time to hear those things the Lord would have me hear.
As I was studying this week over the centrality of the family in the gospel of Jesus Christ and over how to answer the question- How can the gospel help my family find joy and unity? My studies turned towards, surprise- the temple! In Mosiah 2 it specifically says that the doors of their tents were turned towards the temple. It is how our homes should be focused as well. And I thought of the Indy temple that in under construction. Family and friends in Indiana, find out if there are ways you can volunteer to help and I know you serve together you will feel the power of the temple. In conjunction with that, if you haven't made a profile yet, do so to help spread the word of who we are. People have so many misconceptions of who Mormons are and what they believe- the missionaries can't do it all- it has to start with the members. Speaking of which, we talked a lot this week of the missionaries relationship with the ward and bishop. Ask yourself- Are you a family/individual that the missionaries know they can call? Do they know they can ask for rides for investigators or a place to hold lessons? While I'm out in the field serving, you can each be serving right where you are, in exactly the way Heavenly Father wants. I have run out of time, but I'll write the other letters by hand today with more insights from this wonderful week. I love you all and keep you in my prayers.
-Hermana Koerner

Friday, June 22, 2012

Until You Can't Receive Anymore

Dear Family and Friends-
It has been another wonderful, inspiring, delightful, challenging, and beautiful week here at the MTC. Last Sunday, Elaine S Dalton spoke to the Relief Society here!! I absolutely love her and I feel like I''ve grown up with her in Young Women's. She said she loves to come to the MTC and see the sister missionaries so that she can go back to Young Women's and tell the YW that it is worth it and that it works! Before she spoke a sister sang the hymn, Savior, Redeemer of My Soul. Sister Dalton started speaking and invited the sister to sing it again and for us to focus on the words. Check out this hymn in the hymn book as it is absolutely beautiful. She centered her message on the Savior and on the power of the Atonement in our lives. I am so grateful for the Atonement and it''s power in my life and it hasn''t been hard to recognize it as a central force in the mission. I loved how Sister Dalton spoke about the word ""chasten"- the root word being chastity. The Lord chastens and refine us, in order to purify us to enter His presence. She finished by giving us some quick pick-me-up scriptures.: D&c 38:7, Mark 9:23, D&C 25:3, D%C 24:8, D&C 84:88, D&C 64:33, D&C 6:36, and D&C 68:6.
It kept getting better! Sunday night, Sheri Dew came and spoke to the entire MTC! She shared a story of while she was in New York and a man in front of a comedy club came up to her and invited her inside literally saying, " It''s a party! Come on in, get drunk, than go out and make some bad choices!" I was absolutely astonished, but that is actually the world''s perspective isn''t it? She spoke on two points- First, Life isn't about this life-it's about what comes next. And second- the worst thing Satan can do is to get us to forget our divinity. Sounds familiar right? I mentioned that as a major temptation several weeks ago. In order for us to stay focused on what comes next and on resisting Satan, we must recieve and remember. We must recieve the gifts of the Savior, the gift of agency, the gift of his teachings and example, the gift of his infinite Atonement. We must choose to recieve the spiritual gifts, the one we have and the others Heavenly Father truly wants to give us. We must remember to keep recieving and renewing covenants. We are not a church of one time events really, the cycle of faith, repentance, baptism (or renewing through the Sacrament), and recieivng the gift of the Holy Ghost should repeat itself frequently in our lives. Even in the temple, we do not go once and never return just because we''ve now made those covenants. We return again and again to worship and learn in the house of the Lord. This church is one of processes and progression. D&C 76:1-10 for some uplifting scriptures.
Tuesday night Elder Lynn G Robbins came and spoke to us- remember his talk from conference -something about Becoming instead of Doing. He spoke on the Lord''s method for us to recieve revelation. As outlined in 3 Nephi 17 we must pray, meditate, prepare (read), and then ACT!! He was a whirlwind having us reference scriptures and Preach My Gospel throughout his entire talk as he showed us where all of the answers and guidance he was giving us could be found. And his wife who spoke briefly mentioned that when they served as mission presidents they called their new missionaries ""Goldens" instead of Greenies, that way focusing on the light and energy new missionaries brought into the field. I loved how this inspires new missionaries to know that they can be powerful missionaries from the very beginning of their missions. It is a false statement to say that you can only be powerful or effective, or whatever word you think you''re not, just because you are new in the mission.
I have treasured up the word this week including the word ""strive" found in nearly every page of Preach My Gospel and the Handbook. It means so much more than try. I love you all! Next week will be the mission presidents conference and so all the Brethren will be here in the MTC and we''ve been told that we''ll hear from several of them! Have a wonderful week and focus on partaking of the sacrament this Sunday!
Hermana  Koerner

Friday, June 15, 2012

Missionary Perspective

Dearest Family and Friends-
First of all, let me express how much I truly love each of you! I'm not homesick, but I feel close to all of you and keep you in my prayers. Happy Birthday Cortney!! (Hope you got my card!) Happy Birthday Sheena!! (Hope you got your card as well) Happy Father's Day Dad!!! (Yes, I sent a card for you too!) It was a busy week for our family, right? Girls camp was this week, right? Or next? Sorry, at times I lose track of time. It's hard to believe that I only have three weeks left here, but I'm learning so much every minute. As I focus on the Lord's work and in serving his children, I desire to share the joy and peace I receive from the gospel with all those I love. I hope this format of sharing insights and scriptures is mutually edifying.
We had a wonderful devotional this week by Elder Per G Malm. He was incredible- funny, direct, and edifying. He told us that we live up to expectations that the Lord, others, and ourselves set. A story he shared told of a man who prepared to climb Mt. Everest. After he had prepared for months, he climbed on his bike and pedaled from Sweden to Nepal to hike Everest. He set goals for himself, including not to use the usual way in climbing the mountain. ( Isn't it so true that we cannot use the world's way!) After three attempts he reached the top. He was fearless in the face of obstacles and he returned with honor back to him home in Sweden. The Lord is not asking us to hike Mt. Everest, but sometimes it feels that way, doesn't it? Right now it's long hours of studying and learning, serving in my responsibility to the sisters in my zone, drawing closer to my Savior, and putting all other distractions and preoccupations out of my mind. For others in life it may be illness, family problems, a struggling child, economic stress, emotional trauma and tragedy, or a myriad of other things. But I know the Lord will give us nothing we can't handle, only what we need to shape and refine us. Elder Malm spoke of many things including a quote saying, " The devil will NOT triumph. Even now he must operate within the bounds set by the Lord." Again, the Lord is in control here. And through our agency given of God, we are in control. I will share more detail in my other letters home : )
It was stressed to us this week the importance of the standards for the residence halls in the evening while we are preparing to bed. From the beginning, obedience has been paramount in our zone, so we have few issues of disobedience. However, as we discussed these standards this week I gained a better understanding of the purpose of this time. From 9:30 til 10:30, we are to prepare for bed, prepare for the next day, review and reflect over the inspiration and revelation we've gained that day, and give our accounting of the day to our Heavenly Father through prayer. My testimony of prayer has grown as I strive to make it an accounting to the Lord of my efforts of the day. It matters how focused I am, how much work I do, how well I listen to my investigators, and how exactly obedient I am--because I am reporting back to the Lord who already know my efforts of the day. It is my obedience and faith in reporting back to my Father that brings me closer to him.
I had a tidbit of an insight this week more about our divine identities. Often, as a daughter of Heavenly Father I feel cradled in His arms, loved and protected. Yet, as I've made covenants with my Father in Heaven, I am fully accountable to Him for my actions. I think the beauty of our relationship with the Father is in both of those facts combined- we are not just adored and loved, but held accountable and given opportunities to become like our Father in Heaven.
The more I study, the more I pray, the more I learn and teach- I feel a clarity of purpose. In teaching the awe-inspiring truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ and in helping people enter through the gate of baptism- I am pointing them to the temple in all I do. The purpose of a mission is not to baptize- though that is a crucial covenant and choice investigators must make. To have families sealed together in the temple and for each individual to make those precious covenants that offer protection and power is the true desire of my mission. From Elder Stephenson's talk in April 2009- " Understanding the eternal nature of the temple will draw you to your family; understanding the eternal nature of the family will draw you to the temple." May we keep the temple as the focus and goal of our lives. I suggest that you read that talk by Elder Stephenson as well as Elder Oaks and Elders Bednar's talks that preceded it in the April 2009 General Conference.
Also, there is a youtube video (Mormon message) entitled Advice from Elder Busche. ( Cody could you put in it a separate post or something?). It's wonderful. As are the talks, " The Challenge to Become" by Elder Dallin H Oaks and "Principles" by Elder Packer 1985.
I love you all and have letters heading your way as I type. Quick good news-- I am beginning to be able to roll my R's!!! I've been trying to years of Spanish and I can hear it now!
All my love,
Hermana Kristi Koerner

Friday, June 8, 2012

June in the MTC

Dearest Family and Friends!
It has been such a beautiful week, busy and full of work, but an week of growth and opportunity as well. Last Friday, only hours after my last email, my district went to the TRC (teaching resource center) where members and occasional investigators volunteer for teaching opportunities. I now teach with two elders in my district, Elder Hill and Elder Childs (two of the best elders I've ever know if the truth must be proclaimed everywhere!!!). Elder Hill is serving in McAllen Texas mission, the Texas mission in the very tip bordering Mexico. And Elder Childs is serving in Arkansas. It has been a bit interesting to learn to teach as a trio, and from a sister perspective and the elder's perspective. Anyway, last Friday we went to the TRC and our first "investigators" were Elder and Hermana Aragon, a service senior missionary couple originally from Mexico. And they had the most beautiful Spanish accents I think I've ever heard in my whole life. The lesson we had prepared was on how to receive revelation and answers through prayer, but they asked us a question on how to build our faith. We shared experiences and bore testimony that exercising our faith through actions of prayer, repentance, and renewing our covenants increases our faith. The Spirit was so strong we didn't want to leave the room and there wasn't a dry eye among the 5 of us. It is an experience I will treasure.

And speaking of faith (though it's out of order from the week), we had a great lesson on faith yesterday from our district teacher, Brother Wheeler. He quoted Elder Bednar saying that "faith is works!". We teach and preach that faith is a principle of action, a belief that compels us to act and obey the commandments of our Father. Elder Bednar went on to say that He cringes when he hears people pray things such as "Bless all those that aren't here this week, that they'll be here next week." etc etc. Because, one it's vain repetition, two most people aren't aware of all those not there and just wanted something to say to full up their prayer, and third most importantly, it is a faithless prayer because it implies no action on our part. Elder Bednar suggested that instead we tell Heavenly Father the actions we are going to do to help all those come to church next week and then ask fro him to bless them with health or softened hearts. Etc. As we teach investigators faith, I am striving to teach it in such a way that they know they must act upon the faith they receive and as they continue to act will gain more faith.

We had a beautiful devotional Tuesday night by Elder Marlin K Jensen of the Seventy. He is "retiring" from the Seventy in the next month as he just turned 70, so speaking with us was one of his last official assignments. He chose to speak on advice for missionaries. He reminded us that there is no competition or office seeking for callings in the church. He said " Status has nothing to do with salvation." If we would all magnify the smallest callings within the church, their would be no lost sheep in the gospel of our Savior. He went on to talk about desiring to be a great teacher of the gospel- that we have a responsibility to preach, teach, and declare with purity and clarity so all may understand our message. It is then the responsibility of the other person to choose to accept and act upon the divine truths I have taught. He said, " Everyone we ever meet in this life will one day know what we know, AND they will know that we knew it." I cannot, on the mission, keep my mouth shut due to shyness or insecurity over the language or other things. Everyone has to know and I have an obligation to share. All of you reading this letter, please think of someone you could share the gospel with. Reach out. Open your mouth. And I know you will find joy in sharing the light of Jesus Christ.
Also, he reminded us that every person we meet deserves the very best of us, every single day. Their salvation depends on our message. We would never want the stake patriarch to have a bad day when he gives us a blessing would we? And so I must give my best every possible moment so I can reach all those I must. Joseph Smith said, " Only a fool trifles with the souls of men."

So much more to tell you: Fast Sunday was wonderful and filled with the Spirit. Read Romans 8:35, 37, and Jacob 7:8.
 This morning in the temple I was able to do family names for one of the other sisters- including two sets of sisters and a mother and daughter. It was emotional for me as I thought of all my beautiful sisters and how I want to be with them in the temple. I could literally feel the sisters rejoicing in heaven together.
All my love and please know I can giving my Heavenly Father my very best-
Hermana Koerner

Friday, June 1, 2012

A Challenging Week

Dear Family and Friends-
I must confess it has been a challenging week. I love the gospel with all my heart and I know these challenges this week will help me grow and progress in the work. My dear companion, Hermana Tanner, left Tuesday for Guatemala MTC and I know it will be a wonderful experience for her in the field. The new district with sisters also gained another sister, so now I have 4 sisters in my residence. I have new found meaning in "delighting in womanhood" - There is something remarkable and unique about the soul and insights of a women. Thanks to all you Relief Society ladies out there who have helped me love and appreciate all the various roles and joys of womanhood. It is challenging to be the only sister in my district with my 9 (yes 9!) elders! They added two elders from another district in our zone, so it started off as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (yes, I gave them nicknames), but now it more like "And then there was one....". Don't misunderstand- I have been blessed with an incredible group of men and their examples of faith and priesthood service are humbling and awe-inspiring. I dearly love each of the elders I am serving with in my district (and zone for that matter). But it can be overwhelming.
Hermana Tartaglia gave us a quote this week by C.S. Lewis, the one about the Lord building a house out of us, only a very different home than we originally thought. But I had never heard the last line of the quote- " For He intends to come and live there Himself." That is the purpose for all the challenges and hardships- to make our souls more fit for the Lord to dwell within. What a beautiful lesson. I hope I will humble myself to allow My Father in Heaven to be the architect of my soul.
Our Sunday night devotional was by Stephen Allen who spoke about  precision and deviation through the story of a Navy pilot landing on aircraft shifts. Every measurement needs to be precise or else you fall. And as soon as any deviation in the measurements or variables is detected, it must be corrected as soon as possible. Tuesday night devotional was Elder Zwick of the Seventy, an excellent speaker. His wife first spoke about the enabling power of the Atonement, which was great since I've been studying that. She then listed several ways we can access the Savior's love. I'm so grateful for general authorities who bring their spouses along to also speak with us. Elder Zwick bore powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon and of it's central role in missionary work. I know the Book of Mormon is true and the word of God sent to direct and guide us in our lives. I know it contains the power to reach men's souls and soften their hearts towards the gospel.
I found a wonderful scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 29:5 (4-6). I love the phrase- "For I am in your midst." I know that the times I have felt so alone this week, the Lord has reminded me that he has promised to always be my companion if I will place my trust in Him. I have truly felt him loving guidance this week.
All my love,
Hermana Koerner

P.S. Could I get some addresses I'm missing? Sam Spencer, Quesley Bunch, Lauren King (if you're reading this), and any others who would like letters I would love to write to you. Thanks.