
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

At A Crossroads

In the past few months, all three of my best friends have bought their first homes (wahoo!!), one welcomed her first baby ( I love Baby Jane!), another found she is expecting (awesome sauce), and the third got a coveted promotion at work (get it girl!). There is something wonderful about being surrounded by those who are taking part in these wonderful milestones, a life-affirming energy if you will. I am so incredibly grateful that they allow me to participate in any small way in their miracles, big and small.

At the same time, it has prompted some reflection and self evaluation. Am I making a difference? Do I feel challenged and excited? Is what I'm doing now helping me achieve my goals? Is what I'm doing helping me reach my potential and fulfill Heavenly Father's will for me? Questions that are a little harder to bring up at girls night or in casual texting. Questions that have brought me to my knees seeking divine guidance at what feels like a crossroads for me have also invited this incredible peace and assurance.

With these questions, prayers, seeking and asking, impressions and ideas have come as well the strength to move forward in these new directions. As I have become more familiar with the voice of the Spirit and how it speaks to me, I have identified that usually a sense of peace and clarity of thought are my top two signs. Only on two previous occasions did I feel that thoughts were placed in my mind that completely came out of left field, accompanied by very distinct words, phrases, or images of something I needed to do. The first time was when deciding to serve a mission. The second was moving to Arizona after the mission. For several weeks now similar impressions have been directing me as I seek more guidance and begin preparations for possibly a new adventure.  I'm still in early stages of this so more details will be coming forthwith, but for now I'm just excited for another beginning.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. " - Robert Frost

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