
Friday, April 18, 2014

Creativity Takes Courage

The French artist, Henri Matisse, once said "creativity takes courage". Like buying a whole gallon of True Lemon Yellow to paint my kitchen/dining room. They also say that the only true gift is the gift of oneself. To truly create something original and unique, you must give part of yourself. To honestly create something beautiful and authentic, the heart and soul are required ingredients. So it is often that the best ideas are also the scariest ideas because it demands a vulnerable heart and a revealed soul. This kind of creation includes the sharing of innermost thoughts and feelings and with that comes the possibility of rejection or ridicule. Creativity takes courage. How many of us have faced rejection just as we reveal our most heartfelt feelings? Well, just about every young love. But that's another story. Actually, it's a part of this story.

Why am I sharing all this? Because I have started a new project. Or rather, I am taking an old project and sharing it. For the past ten years, I have written letters to my future husband and kept them tucked away in a letter box for him. And now, I've decided to put these letters into a book and share the greatest love story I've ever known (Granted- I'm a little biased, but honest.) It started off as a checklist for what I wanted in a husband and morphed into love letters. Along the way, it became a journey to discover who I am and to find love- in all areas of my life. So, in the coming months I'll be looking for friends that want to do a little editing, a little reading. Let me know.


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