
Monday, November 12, 2012

All in the Plan 10/22/12

Buenos tardes!
What a wonderful week it has been! We've taught over thirty lessons, gained several, new investigators, had more than a couple miracles, and are thoroughly exhausted. So after I finish this email, I'm definitely taking a nap. But at least you know that you guys came first. Our first miracle this week came with a less active member who we visit almost every week, but who refuses to come to church because she was offended years ago. She is one of the most caring and loving people towards the missionaries as far as feeding them or helping them, but whenever we share a message she throws it back in our face. And somehow she goes back to talk about how everyone in the church is a hypocrite. She even made me cry one time- but that's another story ( I only tell all of this so you see the miracle). Anyway....this week we went to visit and as we started to share the scripture, she stopped us and told us that during her whole membership in the church she has struggled with a word of wisdom problem. We changed scriptures quickly and talked with her about overcoming this problem. I felt like we were finally communicating honestly- she always pointed out hypocrisy because she feels like a hypocrite herself. Please keep her in your prayers.
We are continuing to use the youth as much as they are able to go out with us. So this last Friday we went out on splits with two of the young women and had a great time- contacted lots of people and we were able to teach a couple of our investigators with the youth. It was especially a blessing with one of the young women that we've been working to gain her trust and help her. I love how we are able to bless members by involving them in the missionary work.
On Saturday we had the privilege to attend a sealing of a young couple that Hermana Latu taught before- my first sealing!!! It was absolutely beautiful and though I didn't know the couple, I cried. The parents invited us to dinner afterwards and took us with them to their house. It was an unforgettable experience.
Then on Sunday we had another miracle. In the morning we got a phone call from a former contact. Hna Dement and I found him back in July and taught him twice, but he didn't seem that interested, but he asked for a Book of Mormon. He called us and asked what time church started and if he could get a ride. We arranged a ride for him, but we still weren't sure he'd come. But he came!!! Not only that, but during gospel principles class we gave him a church tour and talked about all the pictures of Christ. When we returned to class, the lesson was on the Spirit and the teacher referenced baptism. Henry raises his hand and said that he didn't see a font in our chapel to do baptisms. We explained that there isn't one in our chapel, but in another one. Then he asks- " Can I be baptized?" I looked at our mission leader making sure I understood his Spanish correctly, and our mission leader (the teacher) said that he could be baptized once he finished all the lessons with the missionaries. It was incredible!
This week we studied the plan of salvation a lot, in studies, lessons, in our district meeting (we had it outside of the temple this week). I've been studying a lot in 2 Nephi 9 and Moses 3-5. I especially love that with all the youth we're working with, they are asking themselves these questions. Why am I here? What's my purpose? What does my future hold? It's humbly to be able to answer these questions and watch as they feel that these things are true and the peace and assurance that comes with that knowledge. President Monson shared several stories in priesthood session about the ability to repent and change. He said- "During the 1940s and 1950s, an American prison warden, Clinton Duffy, was well known for his efforts to rehabilitate the men in his prison. Said one critic, “You should know that leopards don’t change their spots!” Replied Warden Duffy, “You should know I don’t work with leopards. I work with men, and men change every day."
And what a blessing it is to be a part of a work that encourages and helps people to change.
All my love,
Hermana Kristi Koerner

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