
Monday, April 8, 2013

Pour Out Your Souls 4/08/13

Dear Family-
Wasn't conference wonderful?! I never wanted it to end, but those two days just flew by. I wasn't able to sit in on priesthood session like last October because we had appointments, but I'm looking foward to reading those talks as soon as they are available. Dad- I miss having you tell me about priesthood afterward. I tried asking some of the elders, but it isn't the same. I'd love to hear how priesthood was from you and Jason when you get a minute : ) I really enjoyed listening to the messages and I can't wait to read and study them again. It was even more meaningful to listen and think of those whom we are teaching and how we could share these messages with them. Four of our investigators were able to come and several more less actives also came so it was an exciting weekend for everyone. Lily came and loved conference. Her baptism was going to be this weekend (13th), but we think we might push it back a week. We don't want to rush her and we want her to feel confident and prepared. Please pray for her.
Earlier this week we had exchanges which are always lots of fun. A sister named Hna Stockton came with me in Hafer. She is from Las Vegas and has been out in the mission about four months. She is lots of fun and is really spunky. She's still working hard on her Spanish and struggles a times, but her powerful testimony makes up for any lack in Spanish. We were able to teach a lot, including helping Veronica start marriage plans and share with the Rodriguez family about the Book of Mormon. They all love to read and are very excited about reading the Book of Mormon. One thing I love exchanges is that it helps to self-evaluate a bit- both your strengths and your weaknesses, i.e. what you need to work on.
We started working with the wife of a recent convert this week and a little bit at a time we have been able to start teaching her! She is catholic, but every question she asks us we can answer with the Book of Mormon. And moreover, she agrees with our answer. Please keep Nubia in your prayers. It's exciting to work with the families of recent converts (those who were not baptized) because we know that the first person/member was just the beginning to finding happiness as a family. We are trying to get in more with Nora's family, but I know time will also help.
We had an incredible miracle last night. A few weeks ago a former investigator, who I didn't know, called us and set up an appointment. We went, but he wasn't home. We tried several times and one time we left a message with his brother. Fast forward to this week. Due to striving hard to make sure everyone knew about conference, we were a bit short on miles come saturday and Sunday. So before heading home Saturday night we had a little extra time, but we couldn't go far. I remember about that former investigator and suggested we try again. We went and found the brother, Rene, home. He told us his brother had gone to Mexico for a little bit, but that he was interested in what we had been teaching his brother! So we went back Sunday night and taught a powerful first lesson about the Restoration of the gospel. He asked questions and would repeat back to us what he understood when we shared scriptures. At the end we invited him to be baptized the end of April and he accepted! I know the Lord prepares people and prepares us to find them!
I dived into more Alma chapters this week and never wanted to stop studying. I have lots of little tidbits that I'm going to share in my personal letters, but I wanted to share this little verse: Alma 34: 26 "But this is not all; ye must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness." As we pour out our souls to Heavenly Father, or as Pres. Eyring said that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near unto us. I know that to be true.
Love you tons and tons! Have a fantastic week! ( One more month until Mother's Day!)
Hermana Kristi Koerner

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