
Monday, June 3, 2013

Moroni 10:4

Dear Family-

Happy June! Wow, it's really hard to believe that it's June already ( not because of the heat) but with it comes some exciting moments. School just got out and with it many more people are available to accompany us to appointments, which makes a big difference! Also, the ward can do more activities during the summer months to invite and fellowship investigators so we are already planning fun things all summer. Speaking of which, President let me know that the Lord wants me to stay in this area a little longer, at least until July. So by then I will have served 9 months in the same ward! But I have learned so much from this ward and these people are very dear to me. Each ward and area is unique to each missionary and their experience there. My first ward was my first experience in the mission, full of lots of love, learning spanish, exploring the culture and learning how to do missionary work. This area has been an area of immense growth, trials, and increased charity. I'm excited to learn what the Lord has in store for us here.

Also, real quick, we are going downtown today! For the first time in my mission! So this is going to be a little bit shorter. But I did want to share one thing with all of you. As was my goal, I finished the Book of Mormon on Saturday!! It was a special experience for me. You all know, or have heard through my emails how much I love the Book of Mormon, and I feel as though a testimony of it is engraved upon my heart. I know that is the word of God, given through ancient prophets, and restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. I have felt first-hand the promise that through the Book of Mormon we will draw closer to our Savior and Heavenly Father. So as I finished, I knelt again to act upon Moroni's promise. Moroni 10:4 4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. But this time, all I could really say was gratitude for all that I have learned and the incredible gift of the Book of Mormon. And then I told Heavenly Father that I know it is true, without a shadow of a doubt in my heart, with every fiber of my being, I know it is true. This time I asked that as I begin to study it again, that I may be guided to learn even more and grow in my understanding of the Savior. I started over again on Sunday specifically studying the Savior and the Atonement. Two days in and I already feel so humbled and overwhelmed by everything that I'm learning. I have split it into three parts : Who is Jesus Christ? What has he done for us and what does he still do? And how can I become more like Him? Stay posted so I can share some wonderful discoveries in the future.

Love you all lots,

Hermana Kristi Koerner

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