
Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Night the World Stood Still

So, I'm going through mission pictures and memorabilia in my scrapbooking efforts and I found lots of treasures. Including several pieces of poetry I wrote throughout my mission. I just wanted to share one of my favorites that I wrote around Christmas 2012. Hope you like it.

The Night the World Stood Still

A star was shining bright
foretelling a son to be born that night.
The quiet village now filled to the max
with bustling strangers anxious to be taxed.
Coming and going 'til numb
unaware that the King had come.
Then glorious angels began to sing,
to humble shepherds saying 
"a joyous message we bring."
Off to the stable,
on their knees they did bow
before a tiny baby
And they didn't know how,
but somehow that night,
a babe in a manager
 came to make the world right.

The wind blew back and forth
across the Sea late one night
with frantic fishermen
working without light.
When out in the waves
a bright figure appeared!
And as He drew near
an apostle was heard
to say "It is Jesus,
and upon the water He goes!"
"Come unto me." said the Savior
and over the side Peter did go.
Step after step with wondering awe
until with the wind he started to fear.
So he began to sink for his doubting fear
til the Lord reached out saying
"I'm here."
As the waves slowed and the winds were calm,
twelve disciples stood in wonder
of Gilead's balm.

A couple years later
and again by the night,
The Savior knelt in a garden
bearing the full burden's might. 
Left alone by the world
yet watched by a heavenly host,
his disciples had failed
when he needed them most.
Unnoticed, unheard outside Jerusalem's walls,
our beloved Redeemer
atoned for the Fall.
And that night when the
world stood still,
a quiet voice cried out
"I will."

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