
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Where did August go?

It's September.

I LOVE September. It is a beautiful glorious month. (Something I keep reminding myself as all the angry people start calling at work.)

But where did August go? My life was rearranged completely last month which may contribute to the loss of time. It was my first full month of driving stick shift, which is coming along quite nicely apart from getting stuck on hills from time to time. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I feel like I'm always in control, and it has definitely given me more respect for my vehicle. I also gained three new roommates! My beautiful sister, Sheena (formerly nicknamed Aurora here), and two crazy furry friends have turned my quaint one-bedroom apartment into a world of adventure and mystery, and yes, chaos. Yuki, the nine-month old Lab mix, is as cute as can be, barks at everything, and is skittish around strangers (she's warming up to me). Camo, Aurora's cat, is the bane of my existence at the moment. Outraged at being shut out of the bedroom ( due to my cat allergy), she meows at the bedroom door at 1am, 3am, and 5am, or at any other interval she decided upon. And as clean and tidy as we are trying to be, the car fur has me sneezing and my eyes watering. The things we do for sisters.

Whatever sorrow I'm feeling at the passing of August is swallowed in the joy and excitement I have for September! First of all, my mission companion, Hermanita Fletcher, comes home tomorrow!! Woot woot! I am so excited to see her and all her awesomeness : ) Then, fingers crossed that it all works out, several other friends are coming down for her homecoming so I will get to see even more mission friends. Man, I really miss my mission.

After that, September is filled with more glorious weddings. Two I get to attend and one that I cannot. ( Sorry Garth & Bailey- I'm sending lots of love your way!) This Friday brings the wedding of two good friends which will be really great. (Grilled cheese anyone? Ladies- you know what I'm talking about ; ) And then in two weeks I get to go to California!!!! Two of my favorite people, Fusi and David are getting married in the Oakland temple and I couldn't be more excited if it was my own wedding (ok, only a little bit). Fusi, another one of my beloved mission companions, is Tongan and her fiancee is Colombian so please just try to imagine the wonderful culture infusion that will be their wedding. Definitely bringing my dancing shoes. Plus, I'm really excited to see other friends from the mission! It will be my first time in California period and I'm excited to visit the beach and explore a little. If anyone has suggestions on what to do in the San Francisco/Oakland area, I am all ears.

I know I owe ya'll some pictures of my adorable new roommates and all my new adventures so I am working on it. Pictures to come. Meanwhile, check out this article about Elder Enzio Busche. I love this quote by him. “The adversary’s greatest power is to give us fear, to tell us that what the Lord requires will be too uncomfortable, too impossible to do. But as we obey, the Lord will fill us with love and inexpressible joy. Until we subdue ourselves to the Lord, we can only experience frustration and pain. When we do subdue ourselves to his will, we are filled with peace and dignity in all circumstances, no matter how challenging. This, to me, is the greatest victory we can achieve.”

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