
Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 25 of the 25 Days of Christ

So if you are taking just a moment to discover how the "25 Days of Christ" ends, here you are. Between the ascension of Christ in Israel and his ministry and teaching among the Nephites, the gospel he taught and the love he offered were consistent. So as we open our gifts today may we ponder on what our gift to him will be this next year.
Acts 1:9-11 
"Worshipfully and with great joy the Apostles returned to Jerusalem. The Lord’s ascension was accomplished. It was truly a literal departure of a material being, as his resurrection had been an actual return of his spirit to his own physical body. Now the disciples began to comprehend more fully that he had truly overcome the world. Not that he had displaced Caesar or even Pilate who ruled over Judea. The great majority of the world’s people had still not even heard of him. Not that man’s inhumanity to man was suddenly wiped out. But now there was victory over the grave—always, until then, the final conqueror of all men.

Then the realization began to dawn on his faithful followers that his kingdom was not of this world. He had overcome the world of hate, envy, greed, and lust. He had shown the way for man to break the chains of selfishness and vengeance which had bound him, doomed him to mediocrity, a prisoner of his own misconceptions. His disciples were quickened with a realization that this was what he had been teaching them. This was what his life had spelled out to them."
-President Ezra Taft Benson, He Is Risen
"Jesus gave us a clear pattern to follow in fulfilling our responsibility to nurture and teach children. Our challenges differ from those of the Nephites because we live in a different time. But the Savior’s way is timeless. In his church, there can be no other way. As he demonstrated, our physical presence and attention is vital to the children in our families, church, and communities. We can know their needs and minister to them when we spend time with them. We can behold our children in their eternal perspective and see that they all know of the Savior and learn the significant truths of his gospel. We can help them witness marvelous spiritual events. They can hear our earnest prayers in their behalf. We are their ministering angels on earth if we follow the Lord’s example."

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