
Monday, March 28, 2011

Operation Amazon Warrior

I am a strong woman. No apologies for that. Recently, a friend on mine recommended a book, The List, that gave me an idea. In the book, the woman makes a list of things to do before she gets married to prevent herself from marrying too young and (in her mind) not living her own life. That's not my worry. My list is to keep me preoccupied from being lonely and it has already proven to be interesting.( And this is separate from my overall bucket list) So here it is.
- Live alone in an apartment/house
- Learn how to change a tire and basic car maintenance
- Own my own tool set
- Have a dog
- Learn how to make sushi
- Run a marathon
- Learn basic figure skating tricks
- Learn “ I love you” in 50 languages (working on it)
- Learn to play the piano fluently
- Go skydiving
- Go bungee jumping
- Visit the Seven Wonders of the World
- Visit Disney World
- Have my own garden
- Publish my book (almost there)
- Make my own quilts- jean quilt
- Read my classics list
- Watch classic and international films list (quite fascinating)
- Buy a great piece of art
- Invest in the stock market
- Watch the sunset on every coast in each country I visit
- See a Broadway play
- Attend a Yankees game
- Attend a Superbowl (incredibly difficult)
- Climb a volcano- Paricutin
- Ride a gondola in Venice
Wish me luck!

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