
Monday, September 17, 2012

1 Nephi 3:7- 7/30/12

Dearest Family and Friends-
I have certainly seen this week how the Lord prepares a way if we will but go and do what He commands. It's humbling to see the instances where Heavenly Father is using me specifically to act as an instrument to reach out to another one of his children. And the prepared way didn't come the first time Nephi and his brothers went back to Jerusalem- they had to go back two more times. But as we are obedient and listen to the Spirit, the way is always shown to us. Sometimes it is almost comically clique how hard this work is- one day all of our appointments canceled on us, then it poured on us while we were tracting, we got yelled at by some Jehovah's Witnesses, etc, etc. I just kept smiling having studied Nephi's obedience that morning. I think my companion thought I was finally cracking, but we had a good laugh and kept working. Sometimes we're felt impressed to walk to various appointments, and then they weren't there and we'd already knocked that street, so we'd walk back to the car. Every single time a car has stopped and asked who we are, or said that they'd seen us before and wanted to know more. Right?! Most of the time it's a gentleman or a family. Hna. Dement teases me and says it never happened to her until I came, so together we must be so attractive and just glowing so much they have to stop and talk to us. I mentioned last week about the diversity of the people here both in their origen and their circumstances. I failed to mention however that Texas is definitely in the Bible belt and there are churches on every corner. Big churches and cathedrals with thousands of members and weekly attendance. And hundreds of smaller ones all over the place. People here in Texas actually really love to talk about religion- not necessarily your religion, but still- they believe in Christ and are open to religion. I choose to see that as a blessing. Within our member in the branch, some live in nice areas and others live in trailers. When I remarked on that to Hna Dement, she told me that the families or individuals that are following all the commandments live in the nice neighborhoods and do well. They still work hard and often have simple things, but they always have everything they need. She said that in every family that is struggling, there is a commandment they are not keeping. I've always had faith that obedience would care for us, but the evidence here is pretty blatant. Maybe it's that way other places and I didn't recognize it.
We had a wonderful week and we able to find and start teaching several new families. I love teaching them how to pray to Heavenly Father. Then I see them open up and they talk to Him, maybe for the first time. It's absolutely beautiful. You can really tell when they are ready. Also Elizabeth, whom we've been teaching for about five weeks now, came to church yesterday for the first time with her son Jesse!!!! They also presented the ward mission plan to the entire ward for the 5th Sunday meeting and it was wonderful! It's pretty unique in this branch that about 90% of the members are converts. Very few have grown up in the church and many have the desire to share it with all they can. We just have to figure out how to best help, support, and utilize all this missionary spirit : ) Thanks for all the prayers from everyone, for me, my companion, and our investigators this week. I really felt them all. We are going to have exchanges for the first time ( for me since I got here)  this week and I'm so excited. I'll be going to a neighboring area and I'll tell more about it next week. I'm praying for all of you and I'm so grateful for all your love and support in letters, prayers, and everything you do for me.
All my love,
Hermana Koerner

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