
Monday, March 4, 2013

Alma 5 Check Up 3/04/13

Hello beautiful family!
Things aren't all roses, but there is sure sunshine in my soul today : ) We've had an excellent week, with lots of work with less-actives and recent converts. I have a special love for recent converts and want to do everything in all my areas to help them continue on the path toward conversion. I made a poster board with all the converts of the past year in this area, with a chart for lots of the steps after baptism such as receiving the priesthood for the men, participating in baptisms for the dead, receiving a calling, as well as being taught all the lessons again after baptism. What they say is true- baptism is only the gate to the road of discipleship and our new converts need so much love and guidance after they make that step through the gate. They are all at various stages of progression and I love being involved in every step of conversion from the very first prayer we offer with a new investigator, to baptism, to being with them in the temple. There is joy every step along the way. I also love that with each new convert, there are other family members that are influenced and so begin their own journey in the gospel. Like Juan Solano's wife opening up to us. Such is the case with Nora DeLaTorre- her daughter is now taking lessons and her husband is opening up more to us. Here a little and there a little. Please keep Nora in your prayers. 
We had exchanges this week and guess what...Hna Latu came to me here in Hafer! Good stuff! This area was her first area in the mission and she absolutely loves it, plus we were able to catch up and enjoy working together again before she goes home next week! I love that girl! Lots has happened to her this past few months- her grandfather and her sister passed away and she felt impressed to stay in the mission and not return early. Please keep her in your prayers as well. We had such a good time together, visited some of her converts and she told me about some people they were teaching a year ago that we are going to try and contact again. Also, it was nice to study and work with her again. All of my companions have been so different and these past few transfers have been very different from our time together in Oakcrest, but all of it has been a learning and growing experience. I feel blessed to have served with all my companions in each of these areas and I know all the experiences just make me a better missionary. I'm going to miss her when she goes home to California ; (
Awesome update on the Beserra family- they had been struggling and not seeming to be as engaged or interested in the previous weeks. But we got them the Book of Mormon on CD and when we came back they had been listening to it almost non-stop! Just as when we saw the change in them as they started to prayer in the correct way, they have an increase of the Spirit in their home. Their next challenge will be coming to church, but I know all things are possible. Another of our investigators, Veronica, is doing really well and we fasted with her yesterday to help her receive an answer to her prayers. Today we are going to share more on prophets and share the Proclamation on the Family. Lizzie, another young woman we are teaching, reminds me a lot of Camber. Sometimes, for a just a moment, I feel like I'm with a sister. Sometimes that makes me want to make her understand and just do it. But most of the time, I just feel so much love for her. 
This whole week I've been studying Alma 5- the question or check-up chapter. And I love it even more this time studying it. With one member we shared verse 7-"Behold, he changed their hearts; yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. Behold, they were in the midst of darkness; nevertheless, their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word" because as she told us her conversion story she told us that she felt that her home was just filled with this light when the missionaries taught her. She was baptized without ever coming to church- crazy huh? We're working on that with her : ) I loved cross-referencing verse 15- "Do ye exercise faith in the redemption of him who created you? Do you look forward with an eye of faith?"  And I loved the merciful invitation to repent in verses 33-34: "Behold, he sendeth an invitation unto all men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them, and he saith: Repent, and I will receive you.Yea, he saith: Come unto me and ye shall partake of the fruit of the tree of life; yea, ye shall eat and drink of the bread and the waters of life freely;"

Love you all tons and tons! I'm going go-cart racing this afternoon...I think. Maybe. We'll see. But I know it will be a great day!
Hermana Koerner

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