
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Finding Isaiah

I'm taking a break from packing up all my stuff, so I can post. Some of you might remember I took an Understanding Isaiah class at BYU last year, which I absolutely loved! At the end of the semester we did a final creative project expressing our exploration of the book of Isaiah. Being a writer, my project took the form of a poem. Here it is.

Finding Isaiah
My flickering batteries are dying,
and the textbooks before me are creased
with notes and assignments.
One task remains, yet left deliberately
for the end with trepidation in my heart.
It's Isaiah, the poet of the plates.
Yet so far removed from my small
apartment and Life.

I need the promised guidance,
yet the screen oft times hinders.
Behind the Master, his words stand apart,
For even He says study of his teachings.
Over and over again the words form, but
stop making meaning somewhere between
the page and my brain,
the page and amy heart.

Now that I have started to search
I see Isaiah all around,
In the words of the following prophets,
Teachers and knowledge.
They all have glimpsed his light
which seems to only flicker before me.
What is he saying?
What does it mean?
Why should it matter to me?

It mattered to Nephi and Mosiah,
Joseph and Jesus,
so what escapes me?
Am I unlearned?
Am I not ready for the poet of the plates?

How can I find him when I myself am lost?
Isaiah could not possibly know of my
pain and struggles,
my heartaches and loneliness.
He knows of deserts and of kings,
of armies and temples.
He knows of waters and mountains,
of marriage and children.
So how then can I see him?

Leaving the pages laid out
 I fall to my knees in tears.
Can I please know?
Can Babylon, Judah, Israel, and Samaria
translate to ideals beyond the boundary?
What work lies on my shoulders
and what lays with the Lord?

The room fades away as the
pages come into focus.
I see a Mirror with myself
reflected in the verses.
I see a Warning against my
failings and sins.
I see a Calling to join the ranks
and fulfill my commission.

I see a Father.
Powerful and wise.
Loving and merciful.
A Father who hears my pleading words,
and feels my aching heart.
 A Father who knows me beyond my very mind
and loves me beyond my every flaw.

I see a Son.
A Savior and Redeemer.
Who in patience will teach me,
in humility will guide me.
Who in love will chastise me,
in joy will comfort me.
Who in obedience will save me.

I thought I was looking for
the mysteries and secrets of his pages.
Instead I discovered the mysteries to be
Simple Truths.
Truths covered by intricate veils
yet truth nonetheless.

Six days til I fly out! And eight until I enter the MTC!!!

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