
Monday, May 7, 2012

Mission Goals

Good morning!
An especially good morning since it's my first as an official sister missionary. I fly out today and enter the MTC on the 9th. Anyone looking for addresses- they are posted on the right side of the blog. Welcome to my blog- if this is one of your first visits! And if you are a loyal reader from before- thanks for continuing to read! Just a heads up- my family is all named with nicknames to protect their privacy. Please don't leave comments with their real names out of respect for them. If I use your name or story and you'd prefer I didn't, please leave a comment and *Bella(my younger sister who will be managing the blog for me) will make the necessary changes.

I must express my sincere gratitude for all the love and support that both Terre Haute wards poured out over me and for the support of my family- immediate and extended. I held strong through both talks in church, my open house, and the various farewell phone calls. But I'll admit to crying a bit when my beautiful Primary children (of whom I have been the chorister of for the past 8-9 months) surprised me with homemade cards and pictures. Some of the wonderful boys left me memorable lines such as- " Don't get eaten by an alligator.", " Watch out for wild things." and " Don't step on snakes 'cause they don't like it." Serving in Primary was the most humbling and inspiration call I think I could have held before my mission and I'm grateful for those experiences.

I've been thinking seriously the past few months or so about the goals I want to have for my mission, because I'm a goal type woman. The written down, posted, revised, and analyzed kind of goal woman- something that is coming with me into the mission field. The Relief Society declaration reminds us that "our lives have meaning, purpose, and direction..." at every stage of womanhood and I am grateful for the chance to discover all of those more in depth as a sister missionary. I've talked with mentors, friends, returned missionaries, and family members to help me develop the goals I want to strive for throughout my mission. Here is a list of the ones I've compiled. They will probably change, in fact, I hope they do change since that means I will be growing and progressing. But a starting place is nice.

Make morning prayer my first spiritual experience of the day, but make sure it is not my last. ( Advice from my father)
Faithfully keep a journal throughout my mission and strive to write every day.
To adhere to the advice of President Monson when he said, "Pray as though everything depends upon God. Work as though everything depends upon you..."
To work within the wards that I serve in, in such a way that all of the members (not just investigators, WML's, and converts) feel of my love for them and my desire to serve them.
To help those I teach apply the doctrines to their everyday lives.
To be able to teach the gospel in all of it's remarkable simplicity while striving to learn of the mysteries I have not yet gained knowledge of.
Learn something from each of my companions. Indeed, to seek out everything they can teach me during our service together.
To become intimately acquainted with the Spirit. ( Advice from my mother.)
Use the Book of Mormon in every aspect of the work.
Seek to continually serve my companion.
To sustain and encourage the priesthood holders I will work with.
Identify the Christ-like attributes in all those meet and serve with.
Love the gospel, love my companion, and love the people. ( Advice from Emilee and H.)
Spend 10 more seconds listening with people I meet to try to really get to understand what they are saying and what they need.
To find balance even within the rigorous demands of missionary life.
To not waste a single referral, lesson, moment, or day of my mission. That I may look back on my mission and say that I gave everything I could possibly give.
I know with all of my heart that I am not serving this mission on my own, but with my Heavenly Father's guidance. It is His gospel I am sharing, His love I am emulating, and His children I am serving.

All my love and excitement-
Sister Koerner

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