
Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Reflections

It's New Years Eve. The last day of 2010- a year of tremendous growth, a year full of challenges, heartache, tears, but also filled with laughter, surprises, joy and moments of peace. I'm sitting in my little house alone eating popcorn and drinking Sparkling Cider, listening to some of my favorite music and I'm going to watch some of my signature chick flicks shortly and write a love letter. This day has traditionally been one reserved for reflection and new resolutions, celebrating the good of the year and toasting the resolve to change the mistakes of the past year. It was this night my senior year that graduating finally became real (and scary). I've spent this night with my family and with friends, but this is my first one all by myself. And I'm okay with it. With all that's happened to me this year, everything I've done and learned- some reflection time is appropriate.
So here are some of my reflections:

  • I've learned that I handle physical pain better than emotional pain.
  • I've learned that I can push through the pain to be stronger than I ever thought possible.
  • I learned that it is okay to do things just for me- just because I like it or I need some "me" time.
  • I've been blessed my two of the best jobs ever this year- being an RA and a nanny to Jackson. Both have blessed my life immeasurably.
  • I'm comfortable on first dates because I know who I am and I love that!
  • I've learned how to deal with solitude and to treasure silence.
  • I've learned that communication is vital to any relationship.
  • I admit it- I'm addicted to chocolate and sushi (not together though). But admitting the problem is the first step, right?
  • I've learned how to blog! But, more importantly, I've learned how to effectively use technology instead of tip-toeing around it.
  • I am no longer bitter about so many of my friends getting engaged and married- I'm happy for them. I know that when it's right it will happen for me.
  • My heart has slowly healed this year and looking back I'm grateful for the entire journey and the many lessons I've learned from it.
  • And.... I never want to stop learning!
Tune in tomorrow for my 2011 Resolutions!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for being a blessing in my life this year Kristi! And in years past. Your optimism is inspiring and I am happy that you have been so strong throughout this difficult year :) You= the best!
