
Friday, October 12, 2012

3 Nephi 9:13 10/01/12

Dear Family and Friends-

This week was busy, beautiful, and productive. And not a single day went as planned. Just some more practice for trusting the Lord. I will admit to moments of frustration, but I was reassured that not a single day is in vain if I earnestly and and humbly communicate with my Heavenly Father in prayer. I hope that when you have days (or weeks!) like that, you too can turn to our loving Heavenly Father who knows our hearts and intentions when things go right and when things...don't (2 Nephi 2:11). Wednesday was our zone temple day and we enjoyed a peaceful time in the temple. One day I hope to have the privilege of serving as a temple worker, for I never want to leave when I go. Starting on Thursday, Hermana Latu has been sick with a sore throat and a cold ( she doesn't want to use the oils very much, but she'll use the cough drops). So I was diffusing oils in the apartment, but then my little diffuser broke : ( I'm being especially vigilant with my oil routine so I won't catch it. Since Thursday, I've gotten up and exercised, showered, and studied while she slept trying to feel better and have energy to teach during the afternoon and evening. It felt kind of odd to do our morning routine alone, but I know we were blessed by my obedience even though she was sick. The weekend was busy with a baptism on Friday and the Relief Society broadcast on Saturday night. The Bautista family's daughter, Nikki, in our branch turned eight and was baptized on Friday and it was a sweet experience. Though she wasn't an investigator, in the branch the ward mission leader/missionaries are still in charge of baptismal services. So Hna. Latu and I did the music, the elders did all the setting up, and the ward mission leader conducted. The whole branch brought food afterward, almost potluck, and it's always good to see the branch working together. Saturday before the broadcast they had a stake relief society dinner and so it was good to meet lots of people and then to listen to the broadcast in Spanish. I was nervous about listening to it in Spanish since I was praying really hard to receive revelation and I worried that I wouldn't be able to understand as much. Silly me. Revelation comes through the Spirit. I didn't understand every word or story, but I did get the message of each talk and the beautiful Spirit felt by all who listened to the session. I know Heavenly Father was answering my prayers, just not in the way I had pictured. Our investigators are doing well! Elizabeth is working on getting married which is a miracle from six weeks ago when she told us she didn't want to marry him. We were able to teach our investigator Yada more and I feel like she's really ready for this. Our part-member families are progressing for the most part and the last couple weeks we've seen some less-actives at church. I know Heavenly Father is mindful of this little branch in Texas.

In studies this week, I've been reading chapters about the Savior. In 3 Nephi 9, I was reading about Christ speaking to the people before he actually appeared to them. Verse 13 was especially powerful to me: " Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted that I may heal you?". As I searched the cross-references, I found this pattern all throughout the scriptures- repent, conversion, and a promised healing. Elder Andersen said that the invitation to repent is rarely a chastisement, but rather a loving invitation to re-turn to our Father in Heaven. He wants us to come back. In fact, President Monson said "tenderly the Master speaks to these and indeed to all: “Come back. Come up. Come in. Come home. Come unto me." And as we repent and return to our Father, we are converted through continued faith in action and obedience. We are converted when we really allow the gospel into our hearts and let it change us into who Heavenly Father wants us to become. As we work on this conversion process, the promise of healing is not just an end result, but a support and blessing along the way. We all need healing through the Atonement. The bruises, wounds, pains, disappointments, heartaches, help to forgive and humility to be forgiven. Whatever we need healing for, our Savior has promised to heal us. What a beautiful blessing!

Well, transfers are coming up this week and I don't know what's in the cards once again, but whatever happens I know it will be where and with who Heavenly Father wants me.

Love you all bunches!

Hermana Kristi Koerner

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