
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Healthy Fear of Technology

I grew up reading and watching science fiction, in which space travel and extraordinary feats are common occurences. But it was all just make believe. Yet, as our technology develops exponentially, those ideas are in the realms of reality. My computer could take over right now and start writing this blog post or alter what I've written so it appears differently to various readers. And it could fool me. Because I am only marginally computer savvy.

Pay no attention to the woman behind the screen. She is irrelevant.

So how can this be prevented?
It can't be. Muhaha.

Be smarter than your computer. And your phone. And all your other gadgets. Learn how they work- the details- and be up on the new developments.

What a silly idea. Go back to your youtube videos and Facebook stalking.


  1. Somehow, there has to be a healthy balance between knowing all the ins and outs of our new digital tools, and having them be user-friendly - Plug & Play easy!

    Besides, I like YouTube & Facebook! ... I mean ... Oh darn, how do you get this thing to work, anyway??!!

  2. I totally agree. I remember growing up and having trouble using little things like a can opener and I would ask my dad for help and he would always say something to this extent:

    "You got to be smarter than the can opener."
