
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hindsight- 20/20 Foresight ?

September 1, 1939- If you'd asked an American high school student what was going on, they would have probably responded that it was an average day for them. But today a high school student can tell you that this day was the day Germany invaded Poland, thus starting World War Two.

And October 1. 1949? The day Mao declared the formal establishment of the People's Republic of China . It may not have seemed significant then, but now we look back and see how it changed everything.

It's the same thing with technology. When the first cell phone came out in 1973, it was laughed at. Who would want to carry about that thing, when there are payphones and work phones and even your home phone. Today we are glued to our cell phone, many have discontinued their home phones, and think it is the greatest thing since the tractor. We look back now and say "Duh! How could you not see that the cell phone would be life-changing?!" But they didn't know.
Just like we don't know today how this digital revolution is going to end. Is the digital language going to replace the formal written language? Are some tools going to die out? Could Facebook possibly stop being popular at some point? What tools are going to replace the old ones?

What of all of it is going to matter twenty years from now?

I don't know the answer to that yet, but I know that there is a Digital Revolution and Reformation sweeping the world. The likes of which we have never seen before. I'm still trying to figure out what changes that will bring to me.


  1. I read an interesting blog post about Twitter being used in schools. I first scoffed at the notion; who would be all atwitter about Twitter? But then I got to thinking about it; it's the language that students know. So, I figure I better learn how to effectivly tweet or else face an unknown in the teaching world.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The transformation that you are talking about reminds me a lot of a video that i posted about web 2.0. it is just about how EVERYTHING changes with the progression of the networking web 2.0. go check it out:

  4. Great post. I must say, I might have skimmed past this post if it were not for the funny picture. That was a good way to draw me in.

    I think Facebook or other popular sites are very capable of falling in on themselves if other website become the hip/new thing. For example, remember when Hotmail was the place to get free email service. Today, I know very few people who still use hotmail. Most of my friends are converts to Gmail or perhaps Yahoo.
